How to Browse or Search for Accelerated Reader and Lexile Scored Books

Accelerated Reader Levels and Lexile Scores are ratings for both readers and texts to assist young readers in finding appropriate materials to read.

The CLEVNET public catalog has a page dedicated to browsing and searching all Accelerated Reader and Lexile rated books in our collection:

How to browse the collection

Go to You’ll find lists of Accelerated Reader and Lexile Scores to browse on the front page:

Browse Lists

Click on the heading you’re interested in. It will return a list of all books scored in that range.


Clicking on the 4.0 – 4.9 AR Range

Clicking on the 4.0 – 4.9 range for Accelerated Reader takes you to all CLEVNET books that have an Accelerated Reader level between 4.0 and 4.9:

The first few results in the Accelerated Reader 4.0 – 4.9 level range.

How to search the collection

To the left of the search bar is a drop down with Accelerated Reader and Lexile Score ranges. Select your desired range, then enter what you want to search for:

An Accelerated Reader 3.0 – 3.9 range search
The search results from the prior search

Refining your search

There are further options to find specific titles in the Limit Search Results panel.

Suppose you wanted to refine your search to include only books at your library. First, click on View All in the Library limit:

The Library Search Limit

Select your branch, and click Include:

Find your library branch, or branches

The results will be based on your search terms, Accelerated Reader range, and books at your library:

A search for Accelerated Reader range 3.0-3.9, the term “ducks”, available at CPL South Brookyln

Holds, My Lists, My Account, and Online Fine Payment.

You can still place holds, manage your lists and account, and pay fines online on the Accelerated Reader / Lexile search page. Just log into your account to complete these tasks.